Monday, February 18, 2013

10 Tiny Things That Bring Me Joy

You know how it is nearly impossible to keep up with everything? It just is. It is a cruel reality of life that there is just too much of everything and you can't always do everything. And you don't need to. You pick and choose. Sometimes your choices are good, other times better, and other times you would rather not think about.

I completely forgot about Monday Listicles. Not that I was ever a regular participator, but I always enjoyed reading the topics. Since I remembered, and the topic is something that inspires me, I am playing along. Now if I remember to link up (since I am writing this on the weekend) is yet to be seen.

If this sounds like something your would like to do, head on over to northwestmommy and link up. They have a new list every week. It's pure, clean fun.

10 tiny (or secret) things that bring you joy.
  • watching my 20 month old little girl run - a pure delight
  • the feeling you get when getting into a car that has been sitting in direct sunlight - feels like warm blankets out of the dryer (I like that too)
  • the smell of anything sweet being baked
  • the sound of silence
  • reading in bed (my husband says it is bad sleep hygiene but I don't care)
  • new office supplies
  • my children giggling in the backyard
  • an organized pantry
  • peeling off my nail polish (which is why my nails are rarely painted - one chip/lift and I can't stop myself)
  • the smell of my husband - not his cologne, just him
The exercise of thinking and writing about the little things that bring me joy has lifted my mood immensely and makes me feel good all over. Not a bad way to start a new week and celebrate another month half over. I think taking a cue from Monday Listicles was a good choice today. Happy Mondays!



  1. I sooo love getting in a warm car. And hearing children's giggles. That is the best.

  2. Visiting from Listicles. Haha, I'm totally with ya on the nail polish thing. Pure joy? Getting it off in one full peel! :)

  3. I had the sound of silence on my list too. Pure bliss.

  4. You uplifted me too because you reminded me that I love new office supplies. :) And the sound of giggling children? The best. Ellen


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