Thursday, June 16, 2011

More Blessings More Miracles

When I take the time to sit down and really think about it we have been blessed above that which we deserve. Here is yet another miracle in our lives that further reminds me that our circumstances and trials are known by the One who is in charge of it all.

For the second half of my husbands PGY5 he has been doing a sub-fellowship in Complex Spine at an affiliate hospital in another city. You may remember me complaining about the timing with the soaring gas prices. But so many good things have come from that investment.
  1. He started this sub-fellowship at exactly the same time he was applying for interviews for a post-residency fellowship. One of the attendings that he meet and worked with knew the director at the location of my husbands top pick for fellowships. Another attending at that same hospital gave him a fantastic letter of recommendation.
  2. Because this wasn't a traditional fellowship, my doctor wasn't included in the call schedule. For the last six month I have not heard a pager ringer. I have not been awoken in the middle of the night. He has been able to attend church every Sunday. That isn't to say that he hasn't worked late, he has. But for his wife who would be completing her 2nd and 3rd trimester at this same time, it has been a blessing to know he would always be home, eventually.
  3. This fellowship is much more flexible than his traditional residency, primarily because he isn't on their call schedule. The attendings asked him when his last day would be and he told them we were expecting next week. Their gift to him: the last week in June completely off. 
The timing of this sub-fellowship, couldn't have been better and has benefited us immensely. We are both confident that without the last six months he would not have landed the fellowship of his choice. That fellowship in turn should lead to a promising job in the sub-specialty he is most interested in. Promising job prospects + happy husband = happy wife.

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