Wednesday, June 27, 2012

An Invitation

Things just keep getting better. We haven't even started fellowship and we have already received our first invitation for 4th of July bbq at a real doctors house!

I have only been to two other real doctors house. (I know we are real doctors, and have been - but you know what I mean). I am excited!

What to wear? What to bring? What to do with the kids? They might not even be invited, I haven't actually seen the invitation yet. I hope that I am invited:-)

So many decisions. All I hope is that the invitation is for real. It is quite possible that when he starts work on the 2nd he could find out that he is the man on call and won't be attending any bbq's that day.

Cross your fingers and say a little prayer for me that he isn't on call, that the kids are all healthy, that my face doesn't break out, and that our van starts. I need a little encouragement and seeing what the future could hold would do me good.

My husband is a car guy. I am a house girl. I shop for dream houses. I drool over magazine covers. I used to be an HGTV addict, especially their dream home series. My obsession may have something to do with the fact that the home is my domain, it is where I spend a significant portion of my life. My husband could rightfully argue that his car is his domain because he spends a large portion of his time in that little Toyota (bless it and keep it running).

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