Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Our First Date....ahhhh

This is a very sad commentary on our social life. I am trying to remember when our last date was. And by "date" I mean an encounter where my spouse and I left the house together without our children. It doesn't happen very often.

I know it hasn't occurred since we moved the middle of June, so we are already at 3 months without a date. Before that it had been a while because we were living apart for 2 months, but managed to sneak in a visit that did include grandparents watching the kids. I think I can safely say it has been 4 months since we had any type of date night. 4 Months! That is tragic.

Makes me sad just thinking about it:-( Especially because I like getting dressed up, and I love good food. I love being out when the sun has set. I love the quietness of it all. Oh, and it is really nice if my husband can be there too.

Please let date nights be a regular occurrence when fellowship is over. Please, let us move somewhere with great babysitters available at a moments notice. Please, let us have enough money after the taxes, bills, and student loans are paid to do something fun as often as time permits.

Even though my husband and I agree that having regular date nights is important, it doesn't happen. Does that mean that it really isn't as important as we think? Or, does it mean that life is really that crazy that having regular date nights (out of the house) is an impossibility? We might have been able to make it happen sooner, but finding someone to watch your kids isn't something to be taken lightly. It takes time and not just anyone will do. They have to be able to entertain and keep safe the baby and the 7 year old, and the ones in-between. It is exhausting work.

What did we do on our hot date? We ate some sinfully delicious food, tried out a Tempurpedic mattress (thank you for your suggestions) for 15 minutes before the store closed, and stopped by Bed Bath & Beyond for a rice cooker and an expanding/hanging clothes rod to make it easier (eliminate the excuses) for my son to hang up his clothes after they have been washed. They have to be hung because we have no furniture!

Have we scheduled the next date night? No, but I hope it comes before Christmas this year! How do you find time for date nights outside of the house?



  1. We have had ONE date night since July 1. Before that....ONE date night since January 15. You're doing good. I love date night. Current rotations make it impossible as does aligning a possible date night with babysitters schedule. Residency sucks. Live like rockstars when you're done and don't look back.

  2. This whole conference has been a date night (minus the night he went to the hotel bar with some colleagues). I'm going home with a broken crotch and am not scheduling a date night for a long time.

    1. Did I read that right? Broken crotch - do I even want to know what happened at that conference!

    2. Your read right. I'm currently in recovery. Too bad we don't live close in the same neighborhood. I would give you my date nights this month.

  3. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with date nights! We don't have kids yet so we pretty much go on a date night every other weekend or so. I'm fully aware that when we start a family this will change drastically! I actually think that once we're done with residency his work schedule may get worse too :(

    1. Have you tried swapping date nights with other couples you know who have kids?? Like watch their kids one weekend so they can go out, then vice versa the next weekend? At least you would trust they know what they're doing!

    2. Enjoy those kid-less date nights. As wonderful as children are they make getting out of the house together difficult. We had a couple we switched babysitting/date-nights with before and it was great. And then we moved. I need to find another special couple to approach with the idea

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